Thursday, August 30, 2012

Painted threads and fabric

 Two of us got together again for a dye day. I had found these linen napkins when I cleaned out a drawer and knew I would never use them as napkins. They are so nice to stitch on, so now I have a range of colors for future stitcheries.
Here are the threads I did. These colors are more intense, because I washed the thread first. Isn't it amazing how we don't tranfer knowledge? The fabrics I dye are either prepared for dyeing or I wash them. Never thought about the fact that the thread should be too. Also, some of the crochet "cotton" from my mother's stash is actually polyester.


Miriam Weaver said...

Amazing I've never thought of washing threads before dying them either, good tip! Thank you.

Gina said...

Good observation about not trabsferring our knowledge. When I got back into dyeing I thought I would use the threads I had used to tie my fabrics, totally forgetting that I had not washed those threads.

Beautiful threads and fabrics (napkins). And I like all the pieces you've been creating for your classes.