Monday, June 14, 2010


Here's the motif/quilt square design in stitchery. I lined things up, because the stitching seemed to need a more formal arrangement. It is stitched in Perle  cotton and matte silk. I think a repeat would make a good border. This will be inset in a bigger piece.

I had a piece of painted cotton that seemed to ask for stitchery. First I put painted cheesecloth around in the orange areas and held it down with straight stitch with a rayon thread. Then I did the green area in needlelace(buttonhole stitch). It's about 9 inches square.

On both pieces, I'm trying to decide if they need more stitching. Opinions?


Terri Stegmiller said...

I love all the stitching you have on the bottom piece. I sort of like it with some areas not stitched as it gives the eye a place to rest and then move on to something with more texture. It almost seems like it needs a focal area though. JMO!

Gina said...

Your stitching is beautiful! I especially like the green needlelace. What about adding some tiny white pearls? It seems to say sea to me so I thought of pearls.

Evelyn and Lise said...

The green needlelace stitching is beautiful. I love all of it and agree with Gina. Tiny white pearls would look great. Lise

Walden said...

Both are nice. Absolutely love the second one. The pink and green work lovely together! I think it looks great just the way you have it.

Linda’s Textiles said...

I like them as they are. I do think of the sea (fish scales) when I look at the 2nd one.

Val said...

Just gorgeous Sandy - you manage to do such a great variety of hand stitching, one way and another. I do envy you!