Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I've been working with quilt blocks again that were just sitting around and used these 4 to create a hanging. Blogger is doing it to me again. The setting is actually with the long panel vertical. It's correct on my computer but not here. Oh well, design should be OK regardless of the way it's presented.
My baby is at the vet's having surgery right now for stones in his bladder that are the kind that won't pass. I'm not in a very good place at the moment.


Genie said...

Hope all goes well at the vets,

Anonymous said...

love that quilt hanging Sandy, great graphics in that.

Oh my gosh is he a handsome dog! What a beauty he is!

Maggie R said...

Awe,,, sorry to hear your dear dog needs surgery.... Gosh He must have been in pain,,,, Hope he is all better now...He sure is a beautiful guy...