Monday, March 28, 2011

Sketchbook, gifts

Thanks to everyone who commented on a name for my quilt. I decided to use both:  "Bits and Pieces--Patience Realized".

The Sketchbook challenge  for this month is Spilling Over. Check the button at the right to see what others have done. At first I was totally blank then two occurred to me. It pays to think of designs when you can't sleep.
The exploded flower photo from a gardening catalog was the start of this one. I used a marker to complete the petals and a fine line one to do the radiating ribs. It's been a long time, since I did an exploding design, and this is the first one done in regular units instead of just randomly. I think it's not the last.

This is done with markers and oil pastels. Everyone has a day like that. I think of this as Spilling Emotions. I'm one to not let mine out, so maybe drawing them is a way to deal with things-art therapy.

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